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What a Prenuptial Agreement Can and Cannot Do

Planning a wedding in Florida? While cake tastings and venue scouting take center stage, a prenuptial agreement (prenup) can offer peace of mind in a more lasting and profound way. This legal document, signed before marriage, dictates how assets, spousal support and even some non-financial matters will be handled in the event of divorce. However, Read More

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How Florida Courts Determine Parenting Time After Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally charged experience for everyone involved, especially children. One of the most crucial aspects to navigate during this process is determining parenting time, formerly known as visitation. In Florida, courts prioritize the child’s best interests above all else when establishing parenting plans. This means a judge will meticulously examine Read More

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How Your Spouse Might Be Hiding Assets in a Divorce

Division of assets during a divorce can be complicated even when the spouses are cooperating, but it becomes far more problematic when either spouse attempts to conceal assets. Such actions can lead to a prolonged legal battle at increased costs, potentially leaving one spouse unfairly disadvantaged. If you believe your spouse is not being candid Read More

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Common Problems Faced in Long-Distance Parental Relocation

Child custody and visitation arrangements are ordered in a divorce based on the principle that a child benefits from having continued relationships with both parents. However, with time, there can be changes of circumstances, including a desire by one parent to relocate a considerable distance away from the other. Sometimes the planned move is to Read More

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